سلام.امروز حسابی حالم گرفته.دیشب با استاد دانشگاهم که هنوز بعد از فارغ التحصیلی باهاش در ارتباط بودم دعوام شد.استادم یه دختر ازدواج نکرده با سن بالای 30 سال است.
خیلی خودخواه است.اصلا فکر نمی کردم اینقدر حقیر باشه که بعد از اون همه احترام بی حد و حصری که براش قایل بودم به خاطر یه بار بد>نه فحش و توهین< بلکه بد حرف زدن که قبول دا رم کار اشتباهی بود و ازش عذر هم خواستم هر چی از دهنش در اومد بهم بگه.
خیلی برخورد حقیرانه و دور از منزلت یک استاد باهام داشت.تحقیرم کرد و ...
حالا که به خاطر یه بدی تمام خوبی هام رو نادیده گرفت من هم برای همیشه باهاش قطع رابطه می کنم.بره تو تنهایی و بی همسری خودش بمیره.
واقعا فکر کرده کیه؟چون من لیسانسم و اون فوق لیسانس حق داره با تحقیر و ترحم با من برخورد کنه؟کی بهش همچین حقی داده؟همینه که کسی باهاش ازدواج نکرده.
چون تازه به دوران رسیده است و از اون بالاها به مردم نگاه می کنه.بی جنبه بی ادب فکر می کنه به خاطر بالاتر بودن مدرک تحصیلیش از من بهتره.
دختره پر فیس و افاده.دیگه محل سگ بهش نمی زارم.بره تو تنهایی که همیشه ازش می نالید بمیره.
من نمی خام اینجا بهش بد و بیراه بگم.چون عقده ای نیستم.ولی از او عصبانیم.
آدم نباید به خاطر برخورد بد یه نفر اگه طرف اشتباهش رو پذیرفت و عذر خواست با تحقیر و توهین باها ش رفتار کنه و با بی ملاحظگی برای خالی کردن خشمش هر آشغالی که میاد تو دهنش رو تحویل طرف بده.لااقل می تونه از یک خطای اون بگذره و کمی تحمل کنه.یادتون باشه اگه از کسی عصبانی هستین حق شماست که عصبانی باشین ولی حق ندارین ظالم باشین و به طرف ظلم کنین.
خشم بادی است که چراغ عقل صاحبش را خاموش می کند.
حیف مدرک فوق لیسانسی که او داره.خاک تو سرش که حتی نتونست عذرخواهی منو قبول کنه.بله.بخشش عرضه و لیاقت می خواد که اون دختره وقیح نمک نشناس نداره.ولی من عرضه معذرت خواهی رو داشتم.
خلاصه بدجوری دل منو شکست.خیلی بدون فکر و سعه صدر مثل یه دختر 14 ساله در برابر من موضع گرفت.ازش متنفرم.
بی تربیت به من میگه ....و.....واینکه من نمی تونم اونو مجبور کنم که برای من ترحم کنه!!!!!!!!!!! وقاحتش رو ببینین.من کی ازش تقاضای ترحم و محبت کردم!!!؟؟؟؟؟من فقط براش اس ام اس می فرستادم.اگه اینقدر پست و بی شعوره که محبت من رو واینکه بهش می گفتم تنها آدم خوش قلبیه که می شناسم و دوستش دارم و دوست دارم همیشه ارتباطش رو با من حفظ کنه حمل بر کمبود محبت من دونسته برای خودم متاسفم که باهاش آشنا شدم.
اگه درددل هامو حمل بر بی کسی و تقاضای ترحم کرده عیب از فهم و شعور خودشه.من محبت رو از کسی گدایی نمی کنم.
کسی که فکر می کنه من و یا هر کس دیگری باید همیشه از موضع ضعف و پایین در برابرش بایسته و باهاش حرف بزنه باید یه فکری به حال فهم و شعور خودش کنه.من چقدر بدبختم که از همچین آدم پست و لئیمی معذرت خواهی کردم.ای کاش لااقل اینقدر شرافت داشت که معذرت خواهی منو بپذیره.
البته این منم که الان در موضع بخشش قرار گرفتم.ولی اونو نمی بخشم.چون معتقده که از من برتره و در شانش نیست که از من عذر بخواد.اینو.شرط می بندم دو پنجم من هم اعتقادات مذهبی نداره و نماز نمی خونه اونوقت خودشو در عرش و منو تو زباله ها میبینه.
خاک بر سرش که حرمت من 26 ساله رو نگه نداشت.من تو دوران سربازی با سرباز صفرها هم مثل یک انسان باارزش رفتار می کردم و هیچوقت به خودم اجازه ندادم به شخصیتشون توهین کنم.
آره دیگه.تحصیلات شعور نمیاره.شرافت رو هم زیاد نمی کنه.
حالم ازش به هم می خوره.
اگه فکر می کنه خیلی مقام والایی داره و من به پاش نمی رسم سخت در اشتباهه.
نادان به من میگه ارزش تو در نظر من اومد پایین!!! یکی نیست بهش بگه بدبخت تو بی شخصیت در مقامی نیستی که بخواهی منو ارزش گذاری کنی. میبینین چقدر سطح فکریش پایینه؟اصلا لیاقت اینو نداره که من باهاش حرف بزنم.
لطفا نظرتون رو در این باره به من بگید.می خواهم نظر شما رو در این زمینه بدونم.ممنوووووووووون.
As time went on, Titanic sank lower and lower into the water. By 1:45 A.M., water had flooded all the way up to B-deck. By now, it was un-deniable that the ship was in trouble. It was at about this time that boats 2 and 4 began to row away from the ship. With all the standard and emergency boats gone, crew members were now working to load collapsible life boats C and D.
Second class passenger Winnie Troutt had made no attempt to save herself the entire night. She didn't think that a single woman like herself should be saved while husbands and wives were being separated.
Suddenly, a man holding a baby came up to her. Although he didn't want to be saved, there was no one to save the baby. With no one else willing, Winnie said that she would save the child. She now had a good reason to be rescued. She then made her way to collapsible D and a crew member helped her and the baby into the boat. Once the boat was loaded , Chief Officer Wilde ordered it to be lowered. As it slowly descended to the water, passengers Hugh Woolner and Mauritz Björnström-Steffansson, who had helped load and launch collapsible C, saw that although the boat was mostly full, there was a small space in the bow of the life boat. The two men leaped over the side of the ship. Steffanson landed in it the life boat, but Woolner found himself hanging over the side and Steffanson pulled him in.
By now, the water was just beginning to wet the forward part of the boat deck. There were now only two collapsible life boats left and over 1550 people still on the ship. In an article that appeared in the April 28, 1912 edition of The New York Times,
Harold Bride described what happened next in the wireless room. "I looked out. The boat deck was awash. [Jack] Phillips clung on sending and sending. He clung on for about ten minutes, or maybe fifteen minutes, after the captain had released him. The water was then coming into our
While he worked, something happened I hate to tell about. I was back in our room getting Phillips' money for him, and as I looked out the door, I saw a stoker, or somebody from below decks, leaning over Phillips from behind. He was too busy to notice what the man was doing. The man was slipping the lifebelt off Phillips' back!
He was a big man, too. I am very small. I don't know what it was I got hold of. I remembered in a flash the way Phillips had clung on - how I had to fix his lifebelt because he was too busy to do it.
I knew that man from below decks had his own lifebelt and should have known where to get it. I suddenly felt a passion not to let that man die a decent sailor's death. I wished he might have stretched rope or walked the plank. I did my duty. I hope I finished him. I don't know. We left him on the cabin floor of the wireless room, and he was not moving."
After this event, Bride and Phillips left the wireless room. Phillips ran up aft and that was the last time Bride ever saw him alive. Bride then went to work on freeing collapsibles A and B. The two boats were stored on the roof of the officers' quarters. For collapsible A, crew men leaned several oars against the roof and the boat successfully slid down to the boat deck. Despite Sixth Officer Moody's idea that they should slide the boat into the water and let it be carried up, the crew members began to hook it up to the davits. Crew men attempted to do the same thing with collapsible B as had been done with A, but instead, B landed up-side-down. Before they had time to turn it over, the rising waters lifted up the boat. It was washed clear of the ship by the wave produced when the forward funnel collapsed and it drifted away with a few men clinging to it's bottom. More people would climb on as the boat drifted away from the ship. One of them was Second Officer Lightoller who had taken charge of the situation that night. In the air pocket under the overturned boat was Harold Bride. On top of the boat was his co- worker and friend Jack Phillips.
At the same time on the starboard side of the ship, many of the people in collapsible A, who were just ready to shove off, were washed out by the wave of the rising water. The boat eventually drifted away, less that half full and very low in the water. Many of that boat's occupants suffered from frost bitten feet because of the freezing water in the bottom of the boat.
At the same time on the Carpathia, there was lots of confusion. The passengers didn't know that Carpathia was preparing to save the passengers and crew of the sinking Titanic. They wondered, why were the crew members getting blankets and cots ready? Why were the cooks making large amounts of food and setting up tables in the dining rooms; breakfast wouldn't be served for many hours. Capt. Rostron had ordered the crew to ready the life boats so that they could be used to ferry passengers and crew to Carpathia if by chance, she managed to get to Titanic before the ship foundered. However, when passengers saw the boats uncovered, they began to worry that Carpathia was in danger. There was even a rumor going around that Carpathia had struck an iceberg and was sinking. Fourtunatly, this wasn't the case.
Although she was steaming towards Titanic at her top speed, the tiny Cunard Liner was still many miles away from the sinking liner.
By now on Titanic, all the boats were gone and more than 1520 people were left behind! At about 2:20, the stern rose high in the air. The lights, which had been bright the entire night, flickered, then went off. Suddenly, the ship violently cracked in two! The bow went down, and the stern quickly began to flood. After a few moments, the stern rose completely vertical. It bobbed up there for a minute or two, then foundered. Chief baker Charles Joughin, who was on the very stern as it went down, described it as riding an elevator. Joughin had drunk a lot of alcohol that night so he was well insulated against the twenty-eight degree water. He soon located collapsible B, which was only a few hundred meters away, and began paddling towards it. Eventually, he got on.
"She's gone lads!" a man in boat No. 3 yelled. It was true. The great ocean liner was now lost. All she left behind was twenty lifeboats, many bodies, and hundreds of deck chairs floating in the water. In boat No. 1, the boat with only twelve people in it, leading fireman Charles Hendrickson, proposed the idea of going back to pick up swimmers, but was overruled. In boat No. 8, the Countess of Rothes and three others, also suggested the idea, but the same thing happened. The same went for most of the lifeboats.
Boat No. 4, did go back and picked up seven swimmers, all of them crew members. They were Steward Andrew Cunningham, Assistant Storekeeper Frank Prentice, Steward Sidney Siebert (who died within a few hours), Able Bodied Seaman William Lyons (who also died within a few hours), Trimmer Thomas Dillon, Greaser Alfred White, and Lamp Trimmer Samuel Hemming.
For people in the boats, things were hard. They had no food, no compasses, and very few blankets. Also, there weren't enough seamen in all of the boats to operate them. So, people like high-class men and women who had never before lifted a finger in labor now found themselves rowing oars and doing other things like that..
In life boat No. 6, Molly Brown took over. Despite the objections of Quartermaster Hichens, the man put in charge, Mrs. Brown had the women in the boat take turns rowing to keep warm and had people rotate on the job of manning the rudder. She gave her jacket to one person to keep him warm and had the people in the life boat sing too.
Atop collapsible B, thirty men, including Colonel Archiblad Gracie, who would later write a detailed account of the disaster, began to recite the Lord's Prayer. On this boat Officer Lightoller had them all stand and sit in certain places to keep the boat balenced. The frozen occupant's of the swamped
collapsible A, who were shin deep in water, also said the Lord's Prayer as they tried to keep
warm. Three of this boat's passengers would not make it through the night.
Fifth Officer Lowe in boat No. 14, had round up boats 10, 12, 4, and collapsible D. He ordered the five boats to be tied together. Lowe then evenly distributed the passengers and crew among four of the boats, and then, with a few other seamen, began to row No. 14 back to the scene. Sadly, they only found four living. they were third class passenger F. Lang, Steward Jack Stewart, first class passenger William Hoyt (who died within a few hours), and later, Bath Attendant Harold Phillimore. As time went on, there was nothing to do but wait.
Finally, at about 4:00 AM, Carpathia was seen on the horizon. In boat No. 15, men used pieces of cloth as torches, in hopes to signal the liner. In emergency life boat No. 2, Fourth Officer Boxhall used green flares to do the same thing. People in all the lifeboats began lighting hats and pieces of paper on fire to use for signaling. Those without a torch or flash light, screamed at the top of their lungs to get the ship's attention. On collapsible B, Second Officer Lightoller began blowing his whistle. One by one, the boats came a long side Carpathia to be picked up. Since two, including Jack Phillips, had froze to death in the night, the now twenty- eight men clinging to collapsible B, leaped from that boat, to boats 4 and 12. They included Harold Bride, Officer Lightoller, and Colonel Gracie. Other boats were emptied, then cast adrift or taken onto the ship. After an unsuccessful search for survivors in the water, Carpathia set sail for New York City with her crew, 750 passengers, over 700 survivors, and thirteen of
Titanic's lifeboats, plus her own boats.
Of the 2220 people onboard Titanic, only 705 were saved. Among them was J. Bruce Ismay who had filled an empty space in collapsible C as it was being lowered. Although if he hadn't taken the seat it would have just gone empty, the papers criticized him for saving himself while others died. In first class, a total of 199 people were saved and 130 were lost. In second class, 119 were saved and 166 died. In third class, 174 were saved and 536 died. In the crew, 214 people were saved and 685 were lost. Of the eight officers, Captain E.J. Smith, Chief Officer Henry Wilde, First Officer William Murdoch, and Sixth Officer James Moody, perished. Only Second Officer Charles Lightoller, Third Officer Herbert Pitman, Forth Officer Joseph Boxhall, and Fifth Officer Harold Lowe survived. Thomas Andrews also perished. He was last seen in a state of shock in the 1st class smoking room, as the ship he built sank beneath him. None of the eight band members, who had nobly played to the very end to stop panic, survived. Of the twenty boats, only No. 14 and No. 4, had returned to save people after the ship had gone down.
In 1985, Robert Ballard, with two others, Ralph Hollis and Martin Bowen, peered through the icy waters, more that two miles down on the ocean floor. They found Titanic's wreck using a small sub named Alvin. It was the first time Titanic had seen light in over 70 years. Since then, many expeditions have been made and many artifacts have been surfaced.
At the American and British inquires into the loss of Titanic shortly after the disaster, many questions arouse. Why had the captain sailed through an ice field at 23 knots (the ship's top
speed)? Why didn't the Californian take action when she saw the flares in the night? Was there
another ship in between the Californian and the Titanic? Many people thought that the watertight doors should have been left open to cause even flooding. Although a test done on that theory over eighty years later proves that if the doors had been left open, the ship would have rolled onto it's side and sunk a full thirty minutes earlier that the real Titanic did, they didn't know that back then. We also know now that if the ship had rammed straight into the iceberg, only the first compartment would have been damaged and the ship wouldn't have foundered. But for the most part, the captain and officers did what they thought was best. I really don't think we should place the blame of the sinking on anyone. How can we? No one wanted Titanic to go down and no one meant for it to happen.
The day after the sinking, the Prinz Albert of the Hamburg-Amerika Line reported passing a large iceberg. On one side, red paint "which had the appearance of having been made by the scraping of a vessel on the berg", a watcher said, was plainly visible. The ship's passengers and crew watched as the iceberg sailed on.
RMS Titanic as it looked in 1912. Notice the half closed in promamade deck (A-deck), that distinguishes Titanic from Olympic. Click here to see a picture of Olympic so you can compare.
The bow of Titanic as it looks today.